

Want know about Mindustry tips?
Or you curious with some blocks and units?

Don't worry, we will guide you from the beginning, you can also start the server if you want.



Here, I will guide you from now on.. but you can ask Zenith for advanced tips, because I'm not a gamer like her.

I will help you build your basic base, starting now.. come follow me.


 Do you know what you should do once you landing your core in a sector?

 You need collect basic resource, like copper and lead.. and of course, don't just put the drill down.
You need... umm.. arrangement of drills and Duct/Conveyor, yeah. You should using Bridge to transfer item out from drill, then you can transfer it with Duct/Conveyor or Bridge.

 After you collecting some resource you can build basic defense system, but If you bring a tons resource from other sector you can build advance defense system.